Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department
Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (ADB assisted)
Project Title: Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (ADB assisted)
Project Location: Package-2 (Magadi to Somwarpete (State Highway-85)
Project Period: October 2017 - on going (project is in extended period)
Distance: 166 kms
Project ToR related
communication & capacity
building activities:
Main Task: Rehabilitation & Resettlement activities, under this
communication, capacity building activities are as follows:
- Team mobilization, training and capacity building of
NGOs/consultant team;
- Public consultations, gram sabhas and document
consultation process;
- Conduct public awareness campaigns (HIV/AIDS, human
trafficking and road safety) in consultation with specialized
- Identification of agencies for training and capacity building
under income restoration program;
- Preparation of CASE STUDIES on project affected persons:
individual, institution, group etc after relocation as part of
- Information campaign advertisement in collaboration with
line agencies (such as National Aids Control Organization,
State Aids Society etc), including provision of
signage/hoardings at suitable locations, distribution of
vehicle stickers, and provision of condom vending machines
at suitable locations (rest areas, truck parking lay-byes, etc).
The NGO/Consultants shall assist the PWD to implement
these measures, including collaborating with the line
agencies; and
NGO / Consultants shall assist PWD to ensure that the
contractors comply with the applicable labour laws (including
prohibition of child labour) and gender issues.